Illinois Governor Pritzker signed into legislation that all Illinois Schools are requiring to teach Native American history. The Billy Caldwell curriculum & companion film completes this requirement and is a locally produced story with historical subject matter experts.
The curriculum and companion film is $6 per student fee. We have district-wide pricing for all schools, please contact us for multi-use copyright pricing. For school-wide discounts, contact us at
If you're interested in working with us on our next project, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're always on the lookout for talented individuals who share our passion for filmmaking.
Sauganash Community Association, Chicago, Illinois
Illinois Holocaust Museum, Skokie, Illinois
Glenbrook High School, Glenview, Illinois
Council Bluffs Pottawattomi Arts, Culture & Entertainment, Council Bluffs, Iowa
McGee House at the Native American Cultural & Environmental Center
White Oak Library, Crest Hill, Illinois
Midwest Soarring Foundation, Lockport, Illinois
College of DuPage, Native American Studies Committee
Naper Settlement
“The documentary “The Negotiator: Billy Caldwell” does a tremendous job of conveying the history of Treaties and Indian Removal in Chicago with the breadth and complexity that it necessitates. Extensively researched and captivating to watch, the film incorporates first voices into the interpretation of this intensely local, yet nationally significant, under told story. To add to the impact of this film, a teaching curriculum deepens the understanding for students and aligns with the Native American teaching mandate in Illinois.“
The Billy Caldwell documentary and Table of Contents:
Description of the Film and Native American history
Essential Understandings + Standards of education curriculum
Native Knowledge 360˚ | Essential Understandings
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) | Framework for Social Studies State Standards
Suggestions for Timing | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making
Resources | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making |Resources for Teachers + Students
Opening Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Introduction
Map Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Map Activity
Timeline Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Timeline Activity
Identity Chart Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Identity Chart Activity
Photograph Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Photograph Activity
Film Themes Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Film Themes Activity
Film Questions Activity | Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Film Questions Activity
Writing Prompts + Extension Activities
Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Writing Prompts
Billy Caldwell & Great Lakes Treaty-Making | Extension Activities
Enjoy this Award-Winning Short Film (20-minutes) on Vimeo. Uncovering History: Billy Caldwell & Potawatomi Treaty-Making. This short film is part of a curriculum series sharing Midwest Native American history. For more information on our Curriculum, contact us at